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Tutti i fornitori di ABCevents.com sono stati precedentemente selezionati in base alla loro capacità di ospitare eventi aziendali. I rigorosi standard di qualità in termini di location, servizi, strutture e professionalità dello staff sono la garanzia del successo del tuo evento. Potresti trovare voci con informazioni incomplete sui fornitori, che corrispondono ai fornitori delle liste generiche: Sono stati da noi selezionati per i loro servizi o le loro infrastrutture, ma non sono membri effettivi di ABCevents.com.
The letters D.M.C. stand per Destinazione Gestione aziendale Azienda e provides ground handling services per its destination. This can include airport meet e greet, transfers, transportations, hotel e restaurant reservations, tours, conference venues, team building activities e logistics.
It depends very much on il chosen destination of your existing contacts onsite, e the amount of time you have available a organize your evento
Obviously a D.M.C. will charge you per services but will greatly help you a solve all "time consuming" problems such come finding transportations onsite, reserving restaurants, negotiating with venues, audiovisual support, entertainment, interpreters, .. An educated e dedicated D.M.C. will, if it does its job right, reduce your workload come meeting planner e become a valued member of your team.
Do not choose one until you are satisfied with all il answers a il following questions:
Another point a remember is that a D.M.C. can be brought in at different stages during il planning process. However, it is recommended that un D.M.C. be appointed come early come possible since their experience e expertise can ensure you avoid il many pitfalls e unnecessary expenditure which are frequently encountered during il early stages of conference planning.
Incoming Servizi Companies e D.M.C.s are usually considered together because they both provide knowledge of their destination e the services they are able a offer.
While una Incoming Services Company is certainly able a cater per il needs of individuals o groups, particularly those interested in leisure, un D.M.C. can handle all aspects of meeting needs whether it is a corporate special evento o an international congress with thousands of participants. You should be aware, though, that many companies call themselves D.M.C.s in order a get evento business although they are not really D.M.C.s since they do not have dedicated staff per this purpose. You will need a ask per references of previously organized eventi in order a avoid later problems.
An intermediary works on behalf of one person o party per a fee o commission payment.
These middle men, could be o represent a Agenzia Viaggi, a Destinazione Gestione aziendale Azienda o a Professional Congressi Organizer, per example, all of whom work on behalf of their clients. The kind of activities in which an intermediary is involved normally includes planning e organization of meetings o congresses, incentives e eventi. Più specifically:
The obvious answer is yes if you do not have il knowledge, resources, time o technical facilities. An intermediary normally offers:
P.C.O (Organizzatori congressuali professionisti): As their name suggests, these specialize in Congresses, Conferenze e Conventions come their core business, e are suppliers who can arrange, manage and/or plan qualsiasi function o service per an evento.
INCENTIVE HOUSE: This is a company that runs incentive programmes, often involving travel, per altro companies. SPECIALIZED TRAVEL AGENCY: These travel agencies have a dedicated department o fully specialize in organizing conferences, incentives e business travel in general. D.M.C. (Destinazione Gestione aziendale Azienda): For all onsite organization come il name suggests, un D.M.C. provides ground handling services per its destination. This can include airport meet e greet, transfers, transportation, hotel e restaurant reservations, tours, conference venues, team building activities e logistics. CONVENTION BUREAU: This is a not-per-profit organization, often supported dei governments o private membership, which assists in il long-term development of an area promoted through il corporate eventi held there. Its membri include hotels, D.M.C.s, travel agencies, P.C.O.s, conference e exhibition centres, restaurants, AV companies, ... (Più information about Convention Bureaux) P.R. AGENCY: A Public Relations Agenzia is responsible per handling e maintaining a positive relationship with il media. It supports Evento Managers dei helping a ensure il appropriate image of their company all'evento. A P.R. Agenzia plans e implements press launches, prepares press kits e materials come needed, e writes press reports detailing media activities e upcoming activity. FULL SERVICE CONTRACTOR: They are experts in concept e design, project management, production, graphics e decoration, installation e dismantling, transport e warehousing, ...
The criteria per selecting an intermediary should include having a professional image, offering a clear exposition of what they can do per you e providing evidence of previous achievements through references.
An important question a ask is how they will want a be paid (a set fee, commission o hourly payment). Here is a checklist on what you should do when selecting an intermediary a work on your behalf:
A P.C.O. o Professional Congressi Organizer is a company o individual who specializes in il management of conferences, congresses, e conventions. The company will act come consultant a an organizing committee, implementing its decisions whilst utilising il experience e knowledge it has gained over many years in organizing eventi.
Many altro companies offer P.C.O. type services, including travel agents, D.M.C.s, Convention Bureaux, Marketing e P.R. companies e even Centri Congressi.
If there are areas of conference management per which you cannot provide il knowledge, resources, time o technical facilities, then un P.C.O. will handle these per you. A P.C.O. will also act come link between different committees e suppliers. The committee o associazione will normally retain control of il evento e set il policy, with il P.C.O. acting come Project Manager e ensuring that il administration runs smoothly. In addition, they will provide advice on all aspects of conference management, e work with you in partnership a ensure il success of your conference.
A P.C.O. can be brought in at different stages during il planning process. However, it is recommended that un P.C.O. be appointed come early come possible, come their experience e expertise can ensure you avoid il many pitfalls e unnecessary expenditure which are frequently encountered during il early stages of conference planning. In il earliest stages, un P.C.O. can offer advice, help, knowledge e administrative support in both venue research e feasibility, come well come in establishing a preliminary budget, short-listing suppliers, e developing a timeline per il planning e organization of your conference. They can also offer help in il preparation e presentation of bids a win a conference per a particular destination; this may be in partnership with il local convention bureau where appropriate.
In order a identify il most appropriate P.C.O. per your needs it is helpful a seek information da a number of companies. The process would normally involve various steps:
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