We would kindly like to inform meeting planners that, as a result of information often being given in incorrect form on the Internet, all registration details will be carefully checked by ABCevents on the phone. Incorrect information provided will automatically result in cancellation of your account with the consequent loss of your details and selected suppliers.
We would kindly like to inform meeting planners that, as a result of information often being given in incorrect form on the Internet, all registration details will be carefully checked by ABCevents on the phone. Incorrect information provided will automatically result in cancellation of your account with the consequent loss of your details and selected suppliers.
NO: if you want to use the search engines and access most of the Website information.
YES: if you want to enjoy some of the above benefits and especially if you will be using ABCevents regularly.
We will not use them unless you require us to contact you for providing any of the above services.
However, they will be checked in order for us to confirm you really are involved with corporate event planning.
Will I receive emails containing advertising?
Not unless you subscribe to our services.
Contact us by email or by fax and we will send it to you.